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A Fabulous Grand Opening


It's hard to believe we've been open less than a month. So much has happened, and the faithfulness of God has been overwhelming us. We want to thank all who turned out for our Grand Opening in January. We enjoyed your company and the opportunity to tell you all about what's happening with Abide. Remember the "Name That Room" contest? The winning name was "Hope" and three separate people suggested it. We loved all of your ideas...well, almost all. There were a few jokers whom I won't mention by name. But you know who you are! We had a very wonderful surprise on Grand Opening day. There was an empty metal trash tin in the Baby Boutique at the beginning of the day. As we cleaned up after all was said and done, we were blessed to see that empty tin overflowing with diapers, wipes, and other baby items. Thank you so much to those that filled it, and to the many who made monetary donations, and to the several who completed volunteer applications. We are blessed by you. His, Michele Evans​

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